Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

49&50)Asexual Reproduction: These two pictures can also be used for asexual reproduction because flowering plants produce their own seed with out any other plant.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

47&48)Hermaphrodite: A hermaphrodite is an organism that has both female and male sexes. Flowering plants such as the two in the pictures are hermaphrodites.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

46)Flower Ovary:In flowering plants, an ovary is a part of the female reproductive organ of the flower. Specifically, it is located above or below at the point of connection with the base of the flower petals.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

45)Xylem: The xylem is responsible for the transportation of water in the plant. Part of a branch of this tree has been cut off and the xylem is shown.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

44)Exoskeleton(2):Other animals with an exoskeleton are hermit crabs. Their shells, like turtle shells, are their exoskeleton.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

43)Phloem: Phloem is found in the last layer of the bark on a tree. It carries organic nutrients to parts of the plant or tree that need it.

Scavenger Hunt Assignment #4

41&42)Seed Dispersal: Seed dispersal is when seeds are transferred to different areas on the earth to germinate. This can be done by the wind and by squirrels. The first picture is of the wind blowing a flag and the second is of a squirrel.